A topic that people are discussing recently but not necessarily directly

2 Jahre 2 Monate her #1 von anqilan456
When you think of someone like Chromie and the other players who come into the game, particularly maybe another year or two down the road it's unlikely that they're going feel this pain in the same way that we currently experience it. Have you thought to the ways you'd like to provide that to players at any time they arrive or how they do. For sure. We're always thinking about stuff such as that, and that's the main guiding principle in a lot of the contents that are included in the .5 patches. We're trying to create an evergreen content: items that can be played anytime during the expansion or any future expansions. Chromie is one example the way it works is using time-walking, another little bit of technology we had to acquire, which gives us the ability to time-walk your level higher and item-level higher until you reach Level 112. or item-level 1000. But that doesn't mean that you're able to use this at Level 110. If in the future your character is higher than 112 and your item's level exceeds 1000. it will still function. You'll still be able to talk to Chromie in the middle of Wyrmrest and tell her, "I want to help in saving you, as I've have heard that you're likely to get killed," and it'll still work.
These kinds of things helpinstead of expanding the duration of the game. Instead, blow out the width of the game more to give you more to accomplish. This is a new way of storytelling. It's a bit more casual, a more exploratory, as well as similar things. It's a way to make your world in Azeroth bigger. If there's a lot more to do, then the world actually feels bigger and more impressive.
A topic that people are discussing recently but not necessarily directly related to this patch, is the new class mounts. There are some people who, naturally have been ecstatic over their new class mounts and some people, particularly those who are druids are a dissatisfied, as for them, it's an update to the form, not an entirely new mount. Do you think that's something you are also still addressing and asking the community to discuss?
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