The Song of Trixion has only one goal: to teleport players to
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. Since the Trixion location and the sole NPC, Beatrice have a significant role to play in the plot the players will need to visit Trixion at some point or another. Due to its importance, it's only natural the song should be acquired via an important story mission.After players complete the quest "The Wingless" they'll be rewarded with the multi-step task "To the Edge of the World." The mission will conclude by tasking players with learning the Song of Trixion, after they can utilize it to travel to Trixion whenever they'd like.
Most MMOs provide a simple way to teleport to travel around the world. The most famous example could be the game World Of Warcraft's Hearthstone game, which allows players to connect to an inn and travel back to their inn whenever they like. The Lost Ark's Song of Return essentially fills the same purpose. Instead of teleporting into inns However, the Song of Return lets players shift to the nearest Portal Statue in any capital city they'd like (so long as they set the city as their return point first).
During the main story quest "Song of Return," players have to chat with the bard Shannon and place the nearby portal statue to be their designated return point. Following that, Shannon teaches them the Song of Return as a reward.
Strongholds are an investment worth making when playing
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since they let players create their own homestead and build some robust objects. They don't require them, however everyone who does will receive the chance to have a song for free that allows them go home at any time of their convenience.